Monday, December 15, 2008


Muscle is a type of tissue composed of contractile cells, or fibers that effects movement of an organ or body part. The amazing characteristic of muscular tissue is its ability to shorten or contract. A mucsle also has the properties of irritability, conductivity and elasticity. Our muscles have three basic functions. MOVEMENT which includes actions like talking, chewing, swallowing, eye movement, breathing, movement of vocal chords and the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid. The next function is HEAT PRODUCTION. Activity of our muscles is very important in creating the heat that warms us. Our muscles equal up to 40% of our total weight and burns more energy in the form of heat than any other body system. The last basic function is POSTURE. Our muscles actually help to link our skeletal system together. Muscles keep us balanced by contracting constantly to counter gravitational forces! Did you know that there are different types of muscle tissue?

The three types of muscle tissue are SMOOTH- (Involuntary-not under conscious control)digestive tract, urinary bladder, wall of blood vessels; CARDIAC- cardiac muscle fibers branch out forming a continuous network. At intervals prominant bands cross the fibers. Specialized fibers called PURKINJE form the impulse conducting system of the heart. and SKELETAL/STRIATED- (VOLUNTARY-conscious movement)striated muscle is found in all skeletal muscles. It is also found in the tongue, pharynx and upper esophagus. The musculoskeletal system is made up of muscles that have an attachment to the skeletal system. There are more than 600 muscles in the musculoskeletal system. Muscles may be attached directly to the periostium of the bone or it may be attached by tough cords of connective tissue called tendons or broad flat sheets called aponeuroses. The connective tissue enclosing a muscle is known as the epimysium which is continuous with the deep FASCIA.

AXIAL skeletal muscles control our facial expressions; chewing; eye, tongue and neck movements; respiration; the abdominal wall; the pelvic region; and movement of the vertebral column. The APPENDICULAR skeletal muscles include our pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle and our upper and lower extremeties. MUSCLE METABOLISM- All cells consume energy in order to perform work.

Adenoside triphosphate (ATP) , the source of chemical energy is metabolized to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). If energy demands are short term, ADP reverts to ATP. This process is too slow if energy requirements are more demanding, so consumption of other fuels is needed. The main source of fuel for muscles is carbohydrates and lipids (fats). When you are resting or exercising lightly, muscle metabolism is usually aerobic, using the free fatty acids in the plasma. When you exercise intensely, metabolism of fatty acids cannot keep up with the demand, so GLYCOGEN is used. If strenuous exercise cintinues, glycogen stores are exhausted, then fatty acids again become the main energy source.

A muscle contracts and in response to a nerve stimulus. Once the nerve stimulus ends, the muscle relaxes and elastic fibers allow it to return to its normal position. Muscles are classified according to fiber arrangement and tendenous attachments. The main categaries are : OBLIQUE, CONVERGENT, CIRCULAR, and PARALLEL.
Did you know that each tiny muscle cell is encapsulated in a membrane called a sarcolemma? and within each cell are hundreds of long, thread-like structures called myofibrils, which run parallel to eachother. Then each MYOFIBRIL is made of smaller strands called MYOFILAMENTS. These strands are the basis of muscle contraction. OK enough.

MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY- One of nine syndromes that affect muscular strength and action. Some symptoms appear in infancy and other symptoms may start in adolesence or adulthood. These syndromes are identified by either generalized or localized muscle weakness, problems with walking and maintaining posture, and muscle spasms. In some cases there are neurological, behavioral and cardiac or other functional problems. MORE INFO : MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION website at
ROTATOR CUFF TENDONITIS- common cause of shoulder pain
thought to be caused by the inflammation of intrinsic tendons of the shoulder. The start of symptoms follows injury or overuse during repeated over head arm movement as with certain jobs :painters, construction workers; and sports:baseball, tennis, swimming. People over 40 are at increased risk due to decresed blood supply to the rotator cuff tendons. Symptoms include pain with overhead motion, with decreased muscle strength. Moist heat and strengthening range of motion exercises, under a doctor's direction, are helpful.


Exercise regularly in moderation. Warm up first, always. Join a yoga or tai chi group / class. This practice is good for mind and body.

Eat lots of fresh and dried fruits-a good source of carbohydrates for ready muscle fuel;
Add nuts, seeds and avocados for healthy source of fats for additional fuel for muscles.
Include sources of muscle-building protein: fish, organic meats, tofu, beans, lentils, quinoa.
REFERENCES: Tabor's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary,Edition 19, F.A. Davis; Anatomy Reference Guide, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins

Sunday, December 14, 2008


DOCTOR'S ORDERS: Create a spa at home. The ability to visit a spa and just forget all the problems that stress me out, is a real luxury. Life on this planet will induce levels of stress that can be debilitating. In order to maintain a reasonable level of "calm", I've been known to "Spa Hop" with my husband. This pastime though fun and relaxing can become quite costly-then I get stressed over the bill! Actually, I've learned to align my visits to the spas with seasonal discounts. In between spa hopping times, HOME,is where the pampering happens! To create a home spa, consider the things you like in a spa or retreat. I like the peaceful and calming atmosphere that is created. This includes sounds and pleasant scents. I like the luxury of large fluffy towels, comfortable terry-cloth robes and soft shoes. I like the pure cosmetic products for skin care. And I like the pure water and tasty organic meals that are available.
The menu of services provided varies, but most spas offer facials; massages; manicures; pedicures; herbal, clay or mineral wraps (for skin toning). Using the above info, make a list to help you create a "home spa", taIlored just for you.

I created my home spa in the master bedroom and bath. . .
There is access to music and motivational tapes,
Access to favorite books and magazines,
Soft, thirsty over-sized towels,
A lovely zen fountain, (with colorful rocks from my rock collection)
A shower and jacuzzi tub (regular tub is OK),
An assotment of candles in glass holders (think safety!),
A tray-stand with an assortment of "spa" products:pedicure and manicure kits,facial products,
Bottled water, fruit juices,
And assorted houseplants and comfortable chairs.

Massages are a main attraction and source of rejuvenation and relaxation.
Learn techniques of self-massage, for times when you are alone or unable to convince spouse or friend to give you a massage.
Therapeutic baths are relaxing, easy and fun to do: fill tub 3/4 full, add 2 cups of epsom salts and 2 cups of baking soda to warm water. Allow time for salts to dissolve. Set candles around the room.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


The skeleton is the frame that supports the body. It really is a marvelous thing! Special bones of the skeletal system surround our organs and tissues giving them vital protection. For example: my skull protects my brain, my vertebral column protects my spinal cord and my rib cage protects my heart! I'm so glad. (When I was a little girl few things would frighten me more than the image of a skeleton. I have a skeletal replica I call Herbie Jr. And now with increased knowledge and understanding, "Herbie Jr." who is only 6" tall is like a buddy-he was with me throughout med school. Long bones of the body act as levers, so that as certain muscles contract and pull on them, movement is achieved. Red bone marrow is a source of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. In our bones and teeth
we find 95% of the calcium and 90% of the phospherous found in the body- they act to make our bones hard and strong. So, our skeletal system functions to support and protect us as well as achieve movement. It also stores minerals and produces blood cells. Wow! all that from that scary looking guy? Well there is more. Within this system bone remodeling occurs. What is that? It is a very precise function, a delicate balance between bone growth and bone breakdown.

Did you know that babies are born with over 300 bones (primarily composed of cartilage)? However, throughout normal development, various bones join to form single bones, thus we mature adults have a mere 206 bones! I will spare you, by not naming each bone, however, I will add that each bone is an organ consisting of osseous, nervous, vascular and cartilagenous tissues. Cartilage covers the ends of bones, (you guessed it) to cushion and protect the joints from friction.

OSTEOPOROSIS-Is a condition in which the bone matrix is lost, thus weakening the bones and predisposing them to fracture. Bone mineral density is 2.5 standard deviations below the peak bone density for a young adult (T score 2.5). A decrease in bone density of 1.5 to 2.5 below the young adult is called osteopenia (T score of
-1.5 to -2.5) In osteoporosis the Dual-energy X-ray absorbtiometry (DEXA) shows diminished bone mineral density (T score -2.5 or worse).
HALLUX VULGUS(BUNION)-Is a disorder of the foot, which involves the first metatarsal
and great toe. This disorder occurs in higher frequency in females and increases in incidence with age. Presents with pain, reduced range of motion, and callus of skin overlying the bunion.
LOWER BACK PAIN- Is characterized by an uncomfortable or acute pain in the lumbosacral area associated with severe spasms of the paraspinal muscles, often with pain radiating to lower extremeties.

Management of conditions such as osteoporosis is in prevention.
Calcium supplements 1-1.5 grams may be preventative. Vitamin D plays a vital role in the absorbtion of calcium and bone health in general: 400 to 800 IU is recommended. Also implement, weight-bearing exercises throughout life. Walking is a good example. Be vigilant to prevent falls with elderly family members. Medications your Primary Care Provider may recommend: Raloxifene (Evista)an estrogen receptor antagonist, Calcitonin (Miacalcin)a nasal spray, with side effects of runny nose and nasal burning. Biophosphonates such as Risedronate (Actonel) and Aledronate (Fosamax), will bind to bone cells inhibiting cell breakdown without inturrupting normal bone formation. (Must be taken with water not food; must remain upright for 30 minutes to prevent esophagitis.) Remember to wear good, well-fitted shoes for prevention of bunions. This condition has been linked to tight, pointed shoes. Mild to severe lower back pain is often associated with inactivity, obesity and poor posture. Recommended are 1.) an exercise program that involves stretching and toning the body; 2.) an eating plan which includes balanced meals in moderate amounts.
References: Anatomy Reference Guide, Lippincot,Williams & Wilkins
Lippincott Manuel of Nursing, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

Friday, December 12, 2008


The amazing human body is indeed beautiful to me. We are walking and talking miracles. Daily I find it a facinating topic of study and exploration. My purpose in starting this blog is to share the many, many practical ways that I've discovered to care for our bodies. As well as ways to enjoy and preserve life. Discover the amazing human body with me as I increase my knowlwdge by sharing.

It baffles me to consider the ways we find to neglect our bodies. We over eat, we refuse to exercise, we don't get enough rest, fresh air, or sunshine, We barely find time to ingest our supplements and perhaps vital perscribed medications and so on. We forget that we are "fearfully and wonderfully" created in God's own image.

I've been thinking that perhaps with better understanding of the body's amazing anatomy and physiology, there will be a decrease in the "neglect syndrome" as I call it. And, perhaps an increase in self-care and self preservation. The New Year rapidly approaches, so I plan to share as much vital life-changing information,as
possible using myself as an example. (Oh oh. Where did that come from?)